The show opens in the summer of 2004, with a home video of an adorable couple, HAN YEO-REUM (Jung Yumi) and KANG TAE-HA (Eric), as they share an adorably snuggly picnic in the park. They smooch and tease each other, obviously very much in love.
On another day, Yeo-reum reminds Tae-ha that there are only ten days left until their 100-day anniversary. She suggests they stay in a hotel that night, and pouts when he actually has to think about it.
On their anniversary, they hilariously sneak up on the hotel with him in sunglasses and her behind a fan, both of them feeling like the whole world is watching. Yeo-reum coaches Tae-ha on how to book the room, but he chickens out and they leave. They argue in the car over who was more scared, and Tae-ha apologizes for his innocent soul.
Yeo-reum concedes that she’d be fine even if it wasn’t a hotel, so they head to Tae-ha’s place. In the morning, he makes breakfast while they take some more sweet home videos.
Over the next few years, Yeo-reum and Tae-ha exchange unique wooden couple rings, taking more photos and making a collage of their relationship in his apartment. They couldn’t possibly be any sweeter as a couple.
In the present, Tae-ha is interviewed about their relationship, where he claims that dating Yeo-reum damaged him for good. He’s never liked anyone as much as he liked her, and he still doesn’t know why they broke up. Yeo-reum is also interviewed, and she tells how her attitude towards dating changed because of Tae-ha – she learned to take the upper hand in relationships. She admits she broke things off, and is confused that Tae-ha doesn’t know the reason for their breakup.
We flash back to a day in 2009 as the two of them get off a train, taking a trip to celebrate 5 years together. Tae-ha walks ahead and doesn’t notice that Yeo-reum is lagging behind. She’s upset and crying, and asks if he hasn’t noticed that she’s been acting strange lately.
He has, and says that’s why he agreed to this trip even though he’s been working a lot and is exhausted, but Yeo-reum is upset that he’s never asked why she’s been depressed. Yeo-reum says she wants to break up, because she’s tired of waiting for him and feeling lonely. She takes her bag and leaves him standing on the train platform.
Back in the present, Tae-ha admits he’s curious about her and would like to see her, while Yeo-reum says she never wants to see him again. Tae-ha would even like to be friends, but Yeo-reum laughs that she has friends already, and even has a new boyfriend.
We see the new boyfriend, NAM HA-JIN (Sung Joon), shopping for engagement rings. He tells the salesgirl that his girlfriend’s birthday is soon and he plans to propose.
Watch the next episode Discovery of Romance
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